Starting in 2016, there will only be slower-growing, sustainable poultry on the shelves of the major supermarkets. Thanks to investments by its poultry growers, Plukon can supply a considerable proportion of the market with poultry according to the Good Brood Chicken (Goed Nest Kip) concept.
Shift in the market
At Plukon we see the market for sustainable poultry growing strongly. To meet the demand, we have invested over the past few years together with our poultry breeders in increasing the sustainability of the sector. The result is excellent: In 2015 we broke through the limit of more than half a million chickens raised in an animal-friendly fashion per week.
Good Brood Chicken concept requirements
Our more slowly growing chicken is raised according to the Good Brood Chicken concept. To work according to this concept, poultry breeders have to meet 5 strict conditions:
- The chickens may only grow a maximum of 50 grams a day
- The chickens are given additional distractions
- The pen has a natural circadian rhythm
- Use of antibiotics is restricted
- The chickens are given only responsible
Good Brood Chicken explained in more detail
On December 29, EenVandaag [current affairs TV programme] focussed on supermarkets’ decision to sell only fresh, slowly growing poultry. In the report, the Good Brood Chicken concept was explained in more detail.